Saturday, December 4, 2010

Breaking Bread

Today was an amazing day. Fifteen sisters in Christ gathered in our home for a Christmas brunch and a time of fellowship.
Before the brunch began, three of us prayed that God would ordain and use this fellowship for His glory and that those that God would have be there would be able to be with us. Each guest brought a special purpose to the morning.
Patty, my co-host for the day made these amazing nutella filled pastries that even the youngest of guests could not leave alone.Notice her "Merry Christmas" on her plate.
And notice the writing I had a friend write on one of my plates before the day began. Sisters in Christ can be more alike than one can ever imagine.:)

We used an old coke crate to put the punch cups.

Cappucino punch and hot cider were served as our guests arrived.

Caden was our entertainment:)

We had a mind engaging devotion that provoked all of us to dig inside of ourselves and the season we are celebrating. Patti plans on posting the devotion on fb and when she does, I will share with you all. We talked about the different relationships that Mary had in her life. Her relationship with God, Joseph, and her cousin Elizabeth during her pregnancy. And those same relationships are just as important to us moms today. I am always touched how God can reveal himself to us in so many ways and how absolutely amazing His word is.

Some brought gift giving ideas that were home made to share with us.
Calendars for grandparents, home made stockings from old sweaters, gratitude get the picture. I encourage everyone to spend time with sisters in Christ this season. They have a way of filling you up with passion for God as well as passion for life. They also keep accountable. Which is a good thing:)

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