Beca over @
http://rubylanes.blogspot.com/ has given me my very first blog award. I found Beca soon after I started blogging and loved the fact that she too ended each post with "Blessings" as I do. Thank you Beca for this award and I will do my best to follow the criteria for this award.
First and foremost I have to share 10 honest and interesting things about myself. So here goes...
1. I have to be honest... this is going to be hard... 10 interesting things about me....
2. I am a justice of the peace in a small county in Nebraska.
3. My home is small but big in love.
4. My Mom always told me "It's not what you don't have.. but what you do have and do with it" and I have always lived my life with this motto in mind.
5. I too was saved by grace and am blessed to be married to an awesome man of God.
6. I drive a red Chevy Suburban and am happiest when it's filled with kids on our way to a basketball/baseball/football/volleyball game.
7. I live 2 1/2 hours away from a Walmart.. Yes people I said 2 1/2 HOURS....
8. My kitchen always has at least one dirty dish in the sink... I hate doing dishes.
9. I love turning trash to treasure but it you have visited this blog you already know that.
10. My ultimate goal in life is to raise 3 Godly children.
Well that didn't hurt too bad. Not that it was interesting but it sure made me put my thinking cap on. Now comes the fun part..passing the award on to some of my favorite people. There is a part of me ( a big part of me to be honest) that doesn't feel "good" enough for this part b/c these people so know what they are doing where I do not. But I do want to thank those that have given me great ideas, encouragement and positive vibes... so here goes.
2. Girly Stuff @
http://girlystuffin.blogspot.com/ (Just visit her site and you will see why I like this gal. She just finished the most awesome kitchen island eva.)
Thanks again Becca for this award and I graciously accept and hope those I nominated will as well.