For the past 11 years this has been one of my best friends… yup my kitchen. We moved into my “blue cottage” 11 years ago. With a very small budget I did my best to make it a place my family could gather and make memories in. Hospitality ranks high up there in my list of priorities and this room has suited its purpose well. For Christmas my mother-in-law asked if we would like a new dishwasher and we said uh..yeah!!! Our dishwasher was at the point of rinsing but not washing dishes and considering a family of 5, i was dearly missing my dishwasher. So right before Christmas we went to Omaha and stopped into Nebraska Furniture Mart to look @ Dishwashers.. and emerged with the purchase of a dishwasher, stove, and side-by-side fridge. Did I mention I have a giving Mom-in-law? We were scheduled for delivery on Jan 5th of our new appliances. Then the week of Christmas, a blizzard hit us. My husband ended up working many many hours of overtime (he’s a utility lineman) and he decided we should put his ot into the kitchen and update it for the new appliances. Who was I to disagree?
This is a picture of the island we made after tearing out a wall (that’s a story for another post…believe me)) . It was made with plates from my childhood, my husbands childhood and plates we found @ auctions and the likes grouted to make a countertop . I will miss this island and the character it gave my kitchen. Maybe I will use it somewhere else in the home, garden, etc.
Here’s another look at the old cupboards that have been painted and repainted as well as hinges glued and re glued. We learned that gorilla glue was our friend. Is it silly to be this emotional over memories we made in this kitchen?
Curtains were courtesy of my Mom who when we moved into our home made or purchased something for each room in our home.. Did I mention I also have an amazing Mom?
And then there’s this precious Pizza Hut lamp my mom bought when the ph in town updated. When hubby and i were first dating, it was under this light we shared many a dates. So good bye my dear friend. You will soon be given a face lift… Please tune in and see the transformation…
How wonderful! You have a very generous MIL and what a wonderful husband! Can't wait to see how you make this space over.
I, too, look back with nostalgia on fond memories of old places, whether those old places are re-done or moved out of. As excited as we are for our new house, our current house is the one we were Newlyweds in! I know the new one will have wonderful memories (becoming parents, maybe!), too, as will your new kitchen. Who knows - maybe your girls or future daughter-in-law will be proposed to or announce their engagement in it some day (very far in the future, of course!)- maybe your grandchildren will take their first steps or say their first word in your new kitchen. Oh, the possibilities, but oh, the sweet memories!
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