Every September our state has an event known as the Nebraska Junk Jaunt. My mom and I have gone together every year. It is our birthday gift to each other. The people we meet, the treasures we find, and most importantly the one on one time i get to spend with my best friend is priceless. This year the jaunt fell on our homecoming and my daughter was a candidate (she was crowned queen by the way:) so proud of her!) so our two to three day trip had to be consolidated into five hours...yes only five hours to discover all of the small towns filled with treasures. Sadness people...sadness. But I thought I would share with you a few of the lovelies I found during our 5 hour trip.
I found this rug for .25 and couldn't pass it up. I washed it and am using it as a table runner for my other treasure.
I have been searching for a bed side table for months but didn't have $100 plus to spend. One of our first stops found me an old pulpit from an old church. It was on rollers and even has a place to store my magazines and devotion books.
Okay so having not blogged for 5 months I added the pics in the wrong order....sorry and bear with me. Here is my pulpit primed.
And here it is in its raw form. It started out at $40 but I ended up giving $15 for it! With a little TLC....
Here is the final result. Now ladies, I also like to remind my husband the I have the "Lord" on my side being that this pulpit has probably provided many a sermons. He he. Lance doesn't find it as funny as I do. Now all I need to do is get some cord covers for all of my electrical wiring.